Airport (Arthur Hailey) / Аэропорт на английском скачать (PDF, doc, txt, fb2, ePub, mobi)












Артур Хейли — настоящий мастер своего дела. Он умеет красочно и увлекательно описывать достаточно скучные, на первый взгляд, вещи — работу авиадиспетчеров или технологические процессы в сборке автомобилей. С первых же страниц читатель полностью погружается в атмосферу маленького аэропорта, который столкнулся с большими трудностями. Для изучающих английский эта книга представляет интерес как источник множества речевых ситуаций на рабочем месте: общение с клиентами, обсуждение проектов, решение проблем и т.д.


Цитата из книги:

«He wanted to know what movie was showing on the flight. I found that out, and he said he’d seen it. He got nasty again. The movie he’d wanted to see was on the first flight which was canceled. He said, could I get him another flight which was showing the same movie as the first one? All the time, there were other passengers; they were pressing up against the counter. Some were making remarks out loud about how slow I was. Well, when he said that about the movie, that was when I…» The girl hesitated. «I guess something snapped.»
Tanya prompted, «That was when you threw the timetable?»

Patsy Smith nodded miserably. She looked as if she were going to cry again. «Yes. I don’t know what got into me, Mrs. Livingston… I threw it right over the counter. I told him he could fix his own flight.»

«All I can say,» Tanya said, «is that I hope you hit him.»



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