Идиомы английского языка «K»

(a fine) kettle of fish

- неудовлетворительная ситуация, неразбериха

"This is a fine kettle of fish. What will we do without the water in our house?"
a kick-off

- старт, начало

They decided to have a kick-off for the electoral campaign two months before the elections.
a kickback

- незаконно выплаченные деньги, взятка

The company had to give Deputy Mayor a kickback in order to win the market.
a knock-down-drag-out fight

- отчаянная драка или спор

Their knock-down-drag-out fight lasted for half an hour.
a knockout

- сногшибательная женщина

Wella thought that she was a knockout, but Tim didn’t share her optimistic opinion.
a know-it-all

- всезнайка

Jacob is a know-it-all that’s why I don’t think much of him.
a known fact

- известный факт

It is a known fact that it’s better to do well than to say well.
a known quantity

- известная величина

The new teacher is a known quantity in the school because she worked here before.
kangaroo court

- неправедный суд, незаконное разбирательство

"I refuse to be convicted by a kangaroo court!"
Katie, bar the door

- заприте дверь (будьте готовы к неприятностям)

A few holigans are ready to break into the bar and start a fight. "Katie, bar the door."
keel over

- упасть и потерять сознание

Two kids were playing on the roof and one of them keeled over.
keel over

- перевернуться

A big wave was approaching, and I was afarid that my boat might keel over.
keen on (someone or something)

- увлечённый, полный энтузиазма

My cousin is keen on playing tennis and she is quite good at it.
keep (someone or something) in check

- сдерживать, контролировать чьи-либо действия, держать что-либо под контролем

During the inflation it is not possible to keep prices in check.
keep (someone or something) in mind

- иметь кого-либо что-либо в виду

The manager told us to keep the new rules and regulations in mind.
keep (someone or something) still/quiet

- заставить кого-либо что-либо вести себя спокойно, без шума

Jenny is very naughty; and I always have a hard time keeping her still.
keep (someone) company

- составить кому-либо компанию

"Could you come and keep me company? I am feeling very lonely."
keep (someone) from (doing something)

- препятствовать, мешать кому-либо делать что-либо

Very often television keeps children from doing their homework.
keep (someone) in line

- заставить кого-либо вести себя как следует

It was difficult for the young teacher to keep her students in line.
keep (someone) in stitches

- заставить кого-либо непрерывно смеяться

Jerry’s anecdotes are always laughed at; he keeps everybody in stitches.
keep (someone) on

- держать кого-либо на работе

Jillion is getting very old, but we are going to keep him on as a doorman.
keep (someone) on tenterhooks

- держать кого-либо в состоянии неизвестности, беспокойства

Mary Higgins Clark keeps her readers on tenterhooks till the very last chapter.
keep (someone) posted

- держать кого-либо в курсе, осведомлять

"I want you to keep me posted about the development of the events."
keep (someone) up

- мешать кому-либо спать

Loud music was pouring out of the neighbors’ flat, and it kept me up last night.
keep (something) down

- удержать что-либо

My little son was sick, and it was difficult for him to keep his food down.
keep (something) to oneself

- не выдавать секрет, тайну

Ada is very frivolous, and she can’t keep anything you tell her to herself.
keep (something) under one`s hat

- держать что-либо в секрете, не распостраняться, помалкивать о чём-либо

Liz is very secretive; she won’t tell me what her plans for the future are. She prefers to keep them under her hat.
keep (something) under wraps

- утаивать, хранить что-либо (до лучших времён)

They decided to keep their intentions to move to another town under wraps.
keep a civil tongue

- вежливо, учтиво говорить; избегать грубостей

The patient was warned to keep a civil tongue when talking to the doctor.
keep a close watch on (someone or something)

- наблюдать за кем-либо чем-либо, караулить кого-либо что-либо

A gamekeeper keeps a close watch on the wild ducks; it’s his job.
keep a close watch over (someone or something)

- следить за кем-либо чем-либо, оберегать

Mother told me to keep a close watch over the stew as it was cooking.
keep a secret

- держать в секрете, не разглашать тайну

The task, in which Quentin was engaged, should be kept a secret.
keep a stiff upper lip

- не терять мужества, не падать духом, не вешать носа, держаться молодцом

"I want you to keep a stiff upper lip whatever happens."
keep a straight face

- сохранять невозмутимое выражение лица; стараться не засмеяться

It is difficult to keep a straight face when you see something funny.
keep a tight/close rein on (someone or something)

- держать кого-либо что-либо в полном подчинении, под жёстким контролем

My boss keeps a tight rein on what is going on in the office.
keep abreast (of something)

- идти в ногу со временем, не отставать от жизни

My father always watches the news program to keep abreast of current events.
keep after/at (someone)

- постоянно напоминать кому-либо

"Why should I always keep after you not to leave your room in a mess?"
keep an eye on (someone or something)

- присматривать за кем-либо чем-либо

"The puppy is very naughty. Please keep an eye on it."
keep an eye out for (someone or something)

- следить за появлением кого-либо чего-либо

John kept an eye out for the arrival of his train.
keep at (something)

- делать что-либо с упорством

Mike decided to keep at learning to play the guitar.
keep body and soul together

- жить впроголодь, едва сводить концы с концами

I earned very little money that year and could hardly keep body and soul together.
keep books

- делать работу бухгалтера

Marion’s job is to keep books for a traveling agency in New-York.
keep company (with someone)

- проводить время с кем-либо

Ms Smith hardly ever saw anything of her son since he had started keeping company with Sarah.
keep cool

- сохранять спокойствие

Felix failed to keep cool when he was accused of stealing the money.
keep down (something)

- уменьшать, ограничивать

"I want you to keep down all expences until we are out of debt."
keep from (doing something)

- мешать делать что-либо, воздерживаться от каких-либо действий

Duncan made a funny grimace and Lucy couldn`t keep from laughing.
keep good time

- хорошо ходить работать (о часах)

My watch doesn’t keep good time; it is five minutes slow.
keep harping on (something)

- надоедливо толковать, твердить одно и то же

My boss keeps harping on the fact that I am too slow in my job.
keep house

- вести домашнее хозяйство

"What is the name of the woman who keeps house for Mr. Johnson?"
keep in touch (with someone)

- поддерживать связь с кем-либо

Though Wanda’s family is scattered all over the country they keep in touch with one another.
keep it real

- быть самим собой
keep late hours

- поздно ложиться спать

Now that Silvia began to study at the university she has to keep late hours because she has a lot to do.
keep off (something)

- держаться в отдалении от чего-либо

I made up my mind to keep off the stadium not to tempt providence.
keep on (doing something)

- продолжать делать что-либо

The teacher tells the pupils to be more attentive, but they keep on making the same mistakes again and again.
keep on an even keel

- сохранять хладнокровие, спокойствие

I couldn’t keep on an even keel when I saw a big boy beating a small one.
keep on one's toes

- быть бдительным, внимательным

Mark tried to keep on his toes during a grammar test.
keep one's distance from (someone or something)

- держаться в стороне, подальше от кого-либо чего-либо

Celia is very reticent, and I often see her keeping her distance from the other children.
keep one's eyes open

- смотреть в оба, быть настороже

"I’ve been keeping my eyes open and have seen a nice sofa at a reasonable price."
keep one's feet on the ground

- твёрдо стоять на земле

My Uncle Tom has always kept his feet on the ground, and he is quite successful in his job.
keep one's hand in (something)

- продолжать заниматься чем-либо, сохранять контроль

Mr. Mathews wants to keep his hand in the market to have the feel of it.
keep one's hands off (someone or something)

- не трогать кого-либо или не брать руками что-либо

My mother asked me to keep my hands off the ice-cream.
keep one's nose out of (someone's) business

- не лезть не в своё дело

"Please, mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine."
keep one's opinions to oneself

- держать своё мнение при себе

"No one is interested in what you want to say, so please try and keep your opinions to yourself."
keep one's place

- знать своё место

Jill was not satisfied with the relashionships among her co-workers, but she was told to keep her place.
keep one`s chin up

- не унывать, "не вешать носа"

Sam put his finger under Jen’s chin and looked into her eyes. “Keep your chin up, Jennie,” he said.
keep one`s cool

- оставаться спокойным

I can’t very well keep my cool when people insult me.
keep one`s eye on the ball

- быть внимательным, не упускать из виду основной цели

"I wish you could keep your eye on the ball or you will never make any progress with your Italian."
keep one`s fingers crossed

- желать хороших результатов

I wanted my friend to keep his fingers crossed while I was at a job interview.
keep one`s head

- сохранять спокойствие, присутствие духа, владеть собой, не терять головы

Jordan is as cool as a cucumber; he always keeps his head in emergences.
keep one`s head above water

- бороться за существование, с трудом сводить концы с концами

"I am not rich. I am not even wealthy. In fact I can hardly keep my head above water."
keep one`s mouth shut

- придержать язык, "держать язык за зубами", помалкивать

"If you have nothing to say, then keep your mouth shut and don’t interrupt."
keep one`s nose clean

- не нарываться на неприятности

Jacob was never able to keep his nose clean, and eventually he got into trouble.
keep one`s nose to the grindstone

- работать без отдыха и без передышки

I’ve been keeping my nose to the grindstone for quite some time and I am awfully tired.
keep one`s own counsel

- скрывать что-либо, держать в секрете, "держать язык за зубами"

I know that Dora has some problems at work, but she prefers to keep her own counsel and never tells anyone about them.
keep one`s shirt on

- сохранять спокойствие, не нервничать, не горячиться

During the meeting everybody was agitated; Nick was the only one who was able to keep his shirt on.
keep one`s wits about one

- не терять головы, сохранять самообладание

Throughout the dispute Conrad was like a cold spectator who could keep his wits about him.
keep one`s word

- сдержать своё слово, обещание

She kept her word in coming to visit me.
keep pace (with someone or something)

- идти в ногу с кем-либо чем-либо, идти наравне, не отставать

Helen had been ill for a long time, and it was difficult for her to keep pace with the other students.
keep quiet

- не шуметь

The children were making a lot of noise, and the mother had to tell them to keep quiet.
keep still

- не шуметь или не двигаться

"Please keep still during the lecture."
keep tabs on (someone or something)

- проверять, следить, наблюдать за кем-либо чем-либо

The head of the department has been keeping tabs on the production of chocolate bars.
keep the ball rolling

- поддерживать разговор, продолжать делать что-либо

"You must write a letter home each week, and be careful to keep the ball rolling, or your parents will get anxious."
keep the home fires burning

- находиться в доме, вести хозяйство

That day Utah stayed at home to keep the home fires burning.
keep the lid on (something)

- держать что-либо в секрете, скрывать

"I am not going to keep the lid on the gossip."
keep the wolf from the door

- бороться с нищетой, предотвратить голод

Her salary was so small that she could hardly keep the wolf from the door.
keep time

- следить за временем (в соревновании, в игре)

John had to keep time during the basketball game.
keep time

- отбивать, сохранять ритм

Henry is able to keep time when he is playing in the band.
keep time

- идти, работать (о часах)

My old watch won’t keep time, so I will have to take it to the clock repairer.
keep to oneself

- сторониться (людей)

Cora isn’t at all outgoing; she prefers to keep to herself.
keep track of (someone or something)

- следить за кем-либо, вести запись чего-либо

I kept track of the events which happened that week before my departure.
keep up

- поддерживать (тот же уровень)

The garden was too large for Ms. Yates to keep up properly.
keep up

- поддерживать в хорошем состоянии

It costs a lot of money to keep up a car.
keep up an act

- устраивать спектакль, претворяться

"Don’t try to keep up an act; I know what you are capable of."
keep up appearances

- соблюдать приличия, видимость; делать вид, что ничего не случилось

Sarah decided to keep up appearances even though she was very sick.
keep up with (someone or something)

- держаться наравне с кем-либо чем-либо, не отставать

However hard she tried, she couldn’t keep up with the fashions.
keep up with the Joneses

- пытаться быть наровне с другими

Leo didn’t bother about keeping up with the Joneses.
keep up with the news

- следить за новостями, быть в курсе событий

In order to keep up with the news my father watches TV every day.
keep up with the times

- следить за модой

Pat tries very hard to keep up with the times.
keyed up

- взвинчиный, взволнованный, нервный

Sam was so keyed up over the prospect of his long trip that he didn’t sleep a wink that night.
kick around

- плохо, грубо обращаться

Ron’s stepfather treats his stepson very badly; he is always kicking him around.
kick around

- бездельничать

Jack is a lazy boy; he can kick around all day.
kick back

- расслабляться, отдыхать

Paul was going to kick back, but his mother told him to clear the mess in his room.
kick in (some money or something)

- внести пожертвование (деньги или что-либо ещё)

Everybody was ready to kick in and collect some clothes for needy children.
kick oneself

- сожалеть

Jonny kicked himself for not having taken advantage of the situation.
kick out (someone)

- выгнать кого-либо

"If you misbehave and disrupt the class, you may be kicked out of school."
kick the bucket

- умереть, "сыграть в ящик"

Alan hoped he would kick the bucket before he is as old as his Grandfather.
kick the habit

- отвыкать от плохой привычки

Peter has been smoking for years, and he has never tried to kick the habit.
kick up a fuss/storm

- поднимать шум, скандал (часто из-за пустяков)

"Please, don’t kick up a storm because I’ve lost your disk. I’ll reimburse you."
kick up one`s heels

- веселиться, резвиться

They kicked up their heels at Bob’s birthday party last week.
kick/turn over

- заводиться (о моторе)

The motor of my car coughed and sneezed and wouldn’t start, but finally it kicked over.
kid around (with someone)

- шутить, поддразнивать кого-либо

My friends and I like to kid around with our fellow students.
kid's stuff

- очень лёгкое задание, "плёвое дело"

"I’ll repair your watch in no time; it’s kid’s stuff."
kill off (something)

- уничтожить, убить

Some people say that frost kills off all the germs, but I am not sure.
kill the fatted calf

- встретить радушно, угостить лучшим, что есть дома

Aunt Mary was coming to visit us, so we decided to kill the fatted calf and have a big dinner in her honor.
kill the goose that layed/lays the golden egg

- причинять вред самому себе; убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца

"Why have you quarreled with Wendy? Do you know that you have killed the goose that lays the golden egg?"
kill time

- убивать время

To kill time before the departure of our train, we went to a cafe.
kill two birds with one stone

- "убить двух зайцев одним ударом", выполнить два действия сразу

He decided to kill two birds with one stone by purchasing a computer and having it serviced.
killed outright

- быть убитым немедленно, тотчас же

I saw a truck hit a man. The man was killed outright.
kind of

- вроде бы, до некоторой степени, более или менее

Bess was kind of sleepy when she heard a strange noise outside her door.
kink in my neck

- судорога, болезненный спазм в шее

I didn’t sleep well that night and woke up in the morning with a kink in my neck.
kiss (something) good-bye

- потерять, простится с чем-либо

"Where is my umbrella? – You can kiss it good-bye. I lost it."
kiss and make up

- помириться

"I want to apologize. Let’s kiss and make up. Shall we?"
kiss and tell

- участвовать в чём-либо личном, а затем рассказать всем об этом

Sally is the kind of person who will kiss and tell. Nobody trusts her.
kiss of death

- действие, поступок способный положить конец отношениям

It was the kiss of death when Linda learned that her husband had an affair. She filed for a divorce.
kit and caboodle

- всё вместе, всё целиком

Ron brought the whole kit and caboodle of his skiing tackle when he went skiing.
kith and kin

- знакомые и родственники, родня

When my Granddad died, all of our kith and kin attended the funeral.
knee-high to a grasshopper

- малюсенький, крошечный (как ребёнок)

Joe learned to play chess when he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
knew it was coming

- зарание знать, что что-то должно произойти

David knew it was coming when his boss told him that he was fired.
knit one's brow

- нахмуриться

The father knit his brow and looked sternly at his son.
knock (some) heads together

- ругать, распекать

The manager decided that he would have to knock some heads together if he wanted to get the work done properly.
knock (someone or something) out

- нокаутировать кого-либо; сделать что-либо не пригодным для дальнейшего использования

The storm on the sea was so strong that it knocked a few boats out.
knock (someone's) block off

- сильно ударить кого-либо (по голове), избить

Gordon became furious and threatened to knock my block off.
knock (someone) around

- дурно обращаться с кем-либо

"You have been knocking me around long enough. I want to put an end to it."
knock (someone) dead

- произвести сногшибательное впечатление

"This man had eyes only for me. I sure knocked him dead," said Mandy.
knock (someone) down (to size)

- делать кого-либо более скромным, смеренным

I don’t know what helped to knock Steve down to size, but I must say he is more humble now.
knock (someone) off

- убить кого-либо

Several people were knocked off in the bank robbery last week.
knock (someone) off their feet

- сильно удивить кого-либо, "свалить с ног"

When my best friend announced that she was going to marry my ex-boyfriend, the news knocked me off my feet.
knock (someone) over with a feather

- очень удивить кого-либо

You could have knocked me over with a feather when you told me Sam was going to immigrate to Canada.
knock (something) back/down

- выпить что-либо (алкоголь, лекарство)

"I know the medicine tastes awful, but you should knock it down."
knock (something) off

- сделать наспех, "состряпать"

He knocked off a leading article in half an hour.
knock about

- путешествовать, бродить, где захочется; рыскать по свету

His plan was to go to India and knock about for a couple of months.
Knock it off!

- Перестань!

"Please knock it off! Leave that knife alone or you may cut your finger."
knock off work

- закончить (дневную) работу

They decided to knock off work early so that they could go to a baseball game.
knock on wood

- постучать по дереву (чтобы повезло)

I hope to be able to find a well-paid job. – Knock on wood!
knock oneself out

- делать значительное усилие

"Don’t try to knock yourself out for you are not able to fulfill this task."
knock one`s head against the wall

- тратить время, пытаясь безуспешно сделать что-либо

I’ve been knocking my head against the wall for a week, trying to write a good essay.
knock the props out from under (someone)

- разрушить доверие к кому-либо; выбить почву из-под ног

"You knock the props out from under me when you criticize my work."
know (someone or something) like a book/like an open book

- знать кого-либо что-либо очень хорошо

My mother knows me like an open book.
know (someone or something) like the back of one's hand

- знать кого-либо что-либо очень хорошо

Shiela knew the material for the test like the back of her hand.
know (someone) by sight

- знать кого-либо в лицо (знать только имя и узнавать по внешности)

I can’t say that I know Lily well, actually I know her by sight only.
know (something) backwards and forwards

- знать что-либо вдоль и поперёк

Rita knew the streets in her native town backwards and forwards.
know (something) by heart

- знать что-либо наизусть

Emma seems to know a chapter in History by heart.
know (something) from memory

- знать на память

My Granny knows my telephone number from memory.
know (something) inside out

- знать что-либо вдоль и попёрек

My friend is a guide and she knows our town inside out.
know (something) only too well

- знать что-либо слишком хорошо

Alan knew only too well what would happen if he failed his English exam.
know a thing or two (about someone or something)

- быть опытным человеком; понимать, что к чему

Jack has been working as a mechanic for years, and he knows a thing or two about cars.
know a trick or two

- знать пару хитростей

Gina knows a trick or two about how to handle her husband when he is angry or upset.
know all the tricks of the trade

- знать все хитрости своей профессии

Sue Craffton knew all the tricks of the trade and was a very good nurse.
know better (than to do something)

- быть достаточно умным, чтобы не делать что-либо

I knew better than to invite Eva to our party; she is such a wet blanket.
know one's ABC’s

- знать основное о чём-либо, знать свою работу

The woman in the library knew her ABC's and could quickly give me the information I needed.
know one's place

- знать своё место

"Why do you always interfere? You should know your place."
know one's stuff

- хорошо знать своё дело, хорошо ориентироваться

This woman knows her stuff and is a very skilled secretary.
know one's way around/about

- знать толк в чём-либо; понимать, что к чему

"Believe me, George knows his way around."
know the ropes

- досконально знать, быть в курсе дела

"Miss Wiliamson will help you find a good job because she knows the ropes."
know the score

- знать факты

I am surprised that Mr. Davidson doesn't know the score about what is going on in his company.
know what's what

- знать что к чему, быть осведомлённым

I am sure Jim knows what's what about a lot of things.
know when one is not wanted

- чувствовать, что чьё-либо присутствие не желательно

Jerry knows when he is not wanted, so he has decided not to go on a picnic with them.
know where (someone) stands on (something)

- знать, что кто-либо думает и чувствует по поводу чего-либо

I don’t think anybody knows where the Dean stands on the issue of the new curriculum.
know which is which

- суметь различить, отличить одно от другого

Mark’s house and Peter’s house are so alike that I am often confused and don't know which is which.
know which side one`s bread is buttered on

- знать свою выгоду

Elizabeth is a very selfish person; she certainly knows which side her bread is buttered on.

- знания и навыки

She is a skilled teacher and has a lot of know-how about how to explain new material to her students.
knuckle down (to something)

- решительно приняться за дело, приступить

"It’s high time you started work: knuckle down!"
knuckle under

- уступить, подчиниться

Sabina had promised to herself never to knuckle under to her husband’s family.
not know if one is coming or going

- не знать, что делать, колебаться

Jill hesitated whether to accept their invitation or not. I think she does not know if she is coming or going.
not know the first thing about something

- не иметь основных знаний о чём-либо

Jack wants to buy a car, but I am sure he does not know the first thing about cars.
to kick off (something)

- начинать что-либо, запускать

The new project was kicked off that day.
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